A Pre-Thanksgiving Outing

Katya was on Thanksgiving break yesterday, I had no violin, and the day was warm. Obviously we should go to a park!

First we enjoyed the warm sunlight in the nature center.IMG_0954 IMG_0955 IMG_0996 IMG_1001 IMG_0993

A troop of turkeys came marching out of the woods–pity we couldn’t bag one for Thanksgiving.IMG_0987

Chad and Katya were very excited to watch the turkeys at the feeder.IMG_0982 IMG_0989

We also checked out the specimens in the nature center. IMG_0969

I had no idea that river otters were so large!IMG_0965 IMG_0958

The day was beautiful, and warm enough that Chad’s asthma didn’t bother him much, so we were able to walk down to the waterfowl preserve.IMG_1012 IMG_1008

We looked through the spotting scopes at the duck pond, and saw a snapping turtle sunning itself on a rock.IMG_1024

My camera actually worked, for once, and I got a nice picture of Katya, which is difficult to do, because she is twitchy.IMG_1027

Then we visited a dam.IMG_1047  IMG_1048

It was really windy!IMG_1039

Afterwards, we watched airplanes take off at the airport, ate frozen yogurt, and then went home, while I read “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” aloud in the car.


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